

                              THE WOMEN HAVE A VOICE IN SOCIETY,TOO!

    Being woman is difficult.But,in spide of many problems,women have to be strong in order to be free.The women can continue their life without being obliged to a man.They can fix houseware,can pay the pills.Most importantly,they bring up a child.Although they are confronted with many problems,they don’t quail them.They like freedom.They hold their heat high because they are a strong woman.
   They can seem like unhappy,bad mark now and again.Their hand bleeds,their heart is broken.They can come to a deadlock.But,while their hopes are supposed an exhausted hopes,their hopes are reborn like spring.
   Women have been exposed to violence,sexual abuse,sexual discrimination from past to present.Woman isn’t  a sex that men lay into woman,abuse or ravish at their pleasure.A person which  isn’t respectful to his mother,sister,wife or his girlfriend  can’t keep up level of developed civilization.
   Women are exposed to some discriminations like career,social life,education.Although women work so much,they often remain in the background.They work whole day and when they come to home,they have to cook,take care of the kids,do cleaning.They can’t go out at night.While men travel by himself,women can’t travel.Right to education of many women is limited.Most woman are married off inside of train.

   Society doesn’t compose of just men.There are women in this society,too.And everything that is done by men can be done by women,too.Women have some rights.They are right to vote and stand for election,right to education,right to work,and so on.
   Woman and man are equal.But we can’t hinder sexual discrimination.In fact there are many laws in order to protect womens’s rights.But they can’t be make actual.

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