

   Most people are unaccustomed to learn and speak English.So,being language student in Turkey is an extraordinary situation for many people.At times,language students can encounter some questions.Some of them;

Come on!Say me an English sentence.
You often have to prove that you know English at good level.İf you say an English sentence,they believe you.But,when they ask you suddenly,most likely it doesn't come into your head and you can say nothing

Why do you show off?
They overrate to learn English.So,when they ask which you read branch,you feel lowly and you don't want to answer it.Because they think that you show off.

Can you help me with my English homework?
You have to do their homework.Because they are your best friends or sister/brother.

You attend foreign language department.Why you attend prep class?
You try to tell them prep class.It is special prep class of foreign language department.But you fail.

You don't know by heart Turkish language and literature.Why do you attend English language and literature?
According to them,you must know by heart Turkish language and literature to attend English language and literature

What will you be when you graduate?
If you are a student of English language and literature,you will encounter this question more than once.

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